3rd Commemoration Conference

The 3rd Annual P.G.Kamath Commemoration Conference wad held on 30th June 2013 in Swarna Bhavan, I.S.Press Road, Ernaulam. The Meeting was inaugurated by an old time associate of Late P.G.Kamath, Sri.N.Gopinath Prabhu, (President of K.Nagendra Prabhu Foundation, Alappuzha). It was chaired by Sri.A.Sudhakar Shenoy (Former Director, MPEDA).

Messrs.N.Gopinath Prabhu, A.Sudhakar Shenoy and Nagesh Karmali on the Dais

Messrs.N.Gopinath Prabhu, A.Sudhakar Shenoy and Nagesh Karmali on the Dais

The Keynote Address was delivered by the noted Konkani poet and Freedom fighter from Goa, Sri.Nagesh Karmali. In his Keynote Address Sri.Nagesh Karmali recounted his association with the Late P.G.Kamath. Welcome speech was delivered by Anand G Kamath, while a Vote of Thanks was proposed by Adv. Nivedita Kamath.

Later a Multilingual poets’ meet was also held, with Sri.Nagesh Karmali on the Chair. Different poets from Gujarati, Malayalam, Hindi, English, Tamil and Konkani languages presented their poems on the occasion. Participants were : Dr.Jayaprabha.C.S (Hindi), Sri.Aymanam Raveendran (Malayalam), Smt.Nisha.G. (English), Dr.K.Murugesan Reddiar (Tamil), Sri.A.P.Bhanu Prakash, Kum. Anjali Kini, Sri.R.S.Bhaskar (Konkani).

Sri. Nagesh Karmali  reading his ppoem during the Multilingual Poets' Meet

Sri. Nagesh Karmali reading his ppoem during the Multilingual Poets’ Meet

Sri.Niranjan Parekh read out the Gujarati poems of Sri.Dilip K.Mehta. Smt.Suseela Pai recited a few stanzas from ‘Raghu Ramayan’ composed by the Late  Smt.G.Kamalammal. Sri.R.S.Bhaskar welcomed the gathering, and Sri.N.Balakrishna Mallya proposed a Vote of Thanks.