The present technological advancements could not have been tapped by our elders who lived in hardships and for obvious reasons could not reach out to the general public to a large extent. In order to document these precious works, we are planning to bring out audio and video disks containing the recordings for the benefit of our generation.
First in the series, an Audio CD “Rangaantaranga” containing 12 devotional songs by R.Ranganatha Prabhu, was released on 06 Nov ’11. An advantage of such disks is that these can be enjoyed without any stress on reading, without any limitation or constraints of scripts and being user friendly at one’s CD Players, desktops or laptops.
Thanks to Smt.Anandi Kamath, Mumbai, who had treasured the songs all these years, taking pride in her father Ranganatha Prabhu. Read her ‘Khayals’ about the CD in her own words, appearing in her blog page in this link :
Click on the below links to listen a few songs from the CD : (You will need Flash Player to listen the audio)
Copy of Event Invitation:
One of the songs is quite unique in every way..