We invited Pandit Upendra Bhatji from Pune, the renowned disciple of Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, for a performing event. An Interactive session with the great singer, titled “SWARA RAAGA SUDHAA” for the benefit of music students, was conducted on 07 May 2011 at Rama Varma Club, Ernakulam. It was inaugurated by Sri. Nilkant Halarnkar, Minister for Tourism, Govt. of Goa.
A second program was conducted in partnership with Sangam Kala Group, titled ‘SWARAANJALI” at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Auditorium, Ernakulam, on 08 May 2011. It was our humble tribute to the great legendary musician, Bharat Ratna the Late Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, who passed away in January 2011. It was a classical concert and ‘Sant Vani’, the signature songs of Bhimsenji. Both the events were well received by music lovers and media alike. Audio & Video Compact Disks of the event have since been released.
A 37 minute long interview with Pandit Upendra Bhatji was recorded during his trip, by the web site www.webindia123.com and can be viewed in the following link :
Event Invitation copy:
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